Published in loving memory of my grandparents Luis P. Posa &
Carmen Pasilaban
Also in loving memory of my parents Maximino P. Posa, Sr & Lilia
Arches Posa
This Website is for the POSA Family and for
other people who share the POSA Family Name. It is created with the purpose to make this site available and accessible
for all the POSA around the world so they can see family roots, read the latest news about the family and look at the growing
Posa Family Tree which will be updated regularly.
It is my constant hope to bring all of us
closer to one another, to find out our roots and reunite love ones. it is also my life desire to meet and to know all
the POSA of the world, either by blood relation, family name by marriage or by dependence.
- to the POSA Family "HOME" page, that is. This site simply invite you to come in, take off your shoes, stay a while,
have some fun, learn something new and meet the folks.
The recorded past is available for us to
discover. We can define our personal heritage at almost any time it is convenient for us to do so. The recent
past and the present are not as easy to discover.
Have you ever wondered why your grandparents
so treasured a faded photograph, a worn Bible, old letters; or, why the holiday spent with your mother's family are different
from those occasions spent with your father's side of the family? Remembering and preserving these memories, customs
and traditions all establish a family heritage. Many families have already done the research necessary to preserve their
family story. Many families have failed. Many do not know howto begin because their families has been too georaphically
separated or because they believe it is too late to study there past.
This web page is made to help the individual
identify and communicate with living members of his or her family. The information contain herein can only be a starting
point for web page visitor like you. It is general look at our (blood-related) name, the people who share it, and how
you can go about expanding your knowledge of family history and individual lineage or family genealogy.
NOTE: Research to various web
sites that illustrate the Posa Family, our country of origin and our region was used as reference for information
provided in this site. Inside, you will also find links to other interesting sites about our country (Philippines)
and other individual POSA web site owner.

Louie |

Host, Web Site Creator & Publisher |
The page contents and lay out was created &
published by LUIS ARCHES POSA II.
Contribution, comments, suggestions and inquiries are encouraged from the POSA clan. Please forward all communications
and materials to:
Maximino & Lilia Posa
Luis & Carmen Posa
Great Grandparents: Domingo & Hilaria Posa
Last Updated: